Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

Day 2

A lovely morning today blue skies not a cloud to be seen.
Today we were working on creating a coloured piece of paper to work on this afternoon using smaller pieces to mask areas of our paper to create areas where there was white paper with few marks.
We were also encouraged to create a painting which was palette led leading to exciting colour choices.
Today we were to concentrate on the river which runs at the back of Bridge House Art for our images.
This was a great choice as it meant  we were shaded from the sun and the river created a welcomed breeze to keep the worst of the midges away.
Really enjoyed the freedom this gave.
My image shows my large piece (A1)  that I worked on this afternoon and my extras show two small pieces that I worked on this morning :-)
I hope you like my vibrant palette :-)
Brought home a book on the work of Barbara Rae to inspire me for tomorrows visit to Achiltibuie :-)

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