
I spent most of the day cleaning the new windows, moving bits of furniture and restoring plants to the new windowsills (the window people spell them "cills" - how strange!). As I was cleaning the windows I did wonder how long it would be before Stewart the seagull does one of his classy banking turns and sprays gull poo on them. No sooner had the thought occurred to me than I spied these two flies, taking advantage of the newly clean surface. They were at it long enough for me to go and get the camera - I didn't stay to watch after that.

In the evening we went across town to St Brides to see a Fringe show featuring young Jez performing in a duo arrangement. Nice to see him again, but didn't feel that the whole was more than the sum of the parts. And there was no bar - good grief! Some cock-up on the licensing front, apparently. So we beat a hasty retreat to Leith and a glass of something restorative.

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