
I had to spend the day at home, while the painter came to do the window frames. He was quite cross because his van had had a flat battery and made him late, and then that some of the painting that should have been done in the workshop hadn't been. He huffed and puffed a lot but in the end there were only a couple of small and unimportant areas he couldn't reach.

Dave had been in Kirkcaldy for the day, and when he got back we went out for a pizza. On the way back past the wine shop I noticed the light on these heraldic beasts in Bernard St - wondered if they were chimeras, griffins, or basilisks, but none of those seem right. Dragon wings, but a lion's mane on the left? More exciting than the new windows anyway, which was my only other photo. I'll put it in the extras, for windows complete-ists to compare with last weeks blip.

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