Oh Lord.......

.....worst Blip ever Alert!

The work/life balance is a bit sque-wiff at the moment. I had such a busy day with another new family and a double shift today. I was then hoping Mr W had put the TV dinner on before I got home - all he had to do was turn the oven on and place a meal in it....but said I didnt ring him to tell him to do it!!! Then I got the hump (which has become a regular occurrence I now realise) that he didn't even offer to wash up or make my tea because Candy Crush got in the way!!! Perhaps I need to be more forthcoming and actually ask him to do it instead of sulking when he doesn't!!!

So in true sulking fashion I blipped my new pets as I fed them as they always give me pleasure. But it was late and the light had faded and I couldn't be bothered to try harder and I had no inspiration to do any better as I was just too tired! It must have been doing the washing up that finished me off!!!!

Will try harder tomorrow - which is today - because I'm still a day behind!!! But my Blip enthusiasm has faded a bit and often wonder if its ok to miss a day or 2, but I know I will really regret it if I did so I shall just blip rubbish till I get my MoJo back!!!! Bear with!!

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