No Excuses!

Thank you kind blippers for your lovely words after my mini meltdown yesterday. Ive had a much better day today.

I woke up early and got all my outstanding reports and emails done before Mr W woke up. My car then passed its MOT and had a nice little scrub while I drank coffee and updated my work diary in the BMW lounge.

Mr W then bought me some nice new running shoes after I mullered my old ones doing the Muddy Run (Ive borrowed your blip Charlotte cos I like it!) AND walking Sketchers - bright pink ones too!!! My blip shows to the 2 pairs of Runners I had to choose from. It was either the £89 pair or the £129 pair! Guess which ones won!!! He then splashed out and bought be a Burger King before I abandoned him in town and went to work.

Mr W is currently on the phone to Sky having a moan that our screen keeps going black while I contemplate how we are going to catch the Fake Black Widow spider residing in the Clematis bush just outside the back door, wishing Conker Season would hurry up!!!

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