Accessorized postbox.
I had two nice surprises at the gym today. Dilys, who is 84, and had a hip operation about twelve weeks ago, was back on the treadmill today, and was then going to go to the pool. I hope I am as good as that when I am that age. And then Mike, who had a hernia repair four weeks ago, was back for the first time today. There was a lot of catching up, so I didn't use my head-phones at all. I then walked through the fields, and saw a butterfly on a leaf, but by the time I had got my camera focused on him, he flew away. I did curse under my breath. This postbox, is just outside the church, and as I had a letter to post, I wanted to have my hand , posting the letter, but that didn't work at all. So this was the only photo I took today. I had to go to the bank to pay some bills, and then I had a quick browse around the shops, before catching the bus home.
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