Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Becky came to take Archie out for the morning before going to her part time job. As we sat out in the searing heat, JR decided to change her afternoon hair appointment, so we hopped in the car and set off for a jaunt, with apple strudel the destination.

Archie sat on the back seat, in his harness, and I sat with him on the way there. No sickness. And Archie was fine too. We had a walk along the seashore at Cockenzie, and he met a few dogs, none of whom were interested in him - they were playing with balls.

Back to the Secret Garden, where we had two world firsts. It was mobbed outside, and far too hot to sit inside. But a whole group of cyclists were just leaving, so we got a good seat under an umbrella. We almost didn't bother, as there were four other dogs in the small outside space, and Archie tends to get rather, er, excited when he sees anything with four legs. We sat right next to a big golden retriever, who ignored him, and - yes! - Archie did likewise. He looked around at the other dogs, and didn't utter a yip. Or a yap. Brilliant. A world first.

The strudel was delicious, and JR suggested sensibly that we share one (they're huge servings). Which of course I thought was a silly idea and insisted we had one each. I could not finish mine. Another world first.

On the journey back into town, I sat in the front, leaving Archie on the back seat on his own. He wasn't sick! Good boy! This bodes well for any planned driving holidays.

When we arrived home, there was a big bag of fresh peas left at the door. Rufus's mum shares my addiction. So does Archie, and he's pretty good at catching them.

I feel that, at last, my knee is beginning to get better. I can move it everso slightly more than before.

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