A Foreign Field

Today is 100 years since my Great Uncle, John Munro, was killed in the Battle of the Somme.
Based on the Battalion Diary of the 7th Camerons, I have been able to locate approximately where he was killed. All I can work out is the location of the German trench that they attacked that day, and the battalion's jumping off trench.
So today, Finlay and I visited that foreign field to lay a Scottish poppy in John's memory. As it's on the edge of an arable field, I don't imagine that the wee cross will last very long but it was deeply moving to be there, even though where John lies is unknown.
It's a long way from Easter Ross where John was born, and from Glasgow where he worked as a butcher, so it's difficult to comprehend how frightening it must have been there on that morning a century ago. No one is alive today who would have known John but he is not forgotten.
Rest in Peace.

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