Resting after a brilliant performance

The star of Team Hummer  is resting after her  performance while waiting for her marks from the judges. But with such a brilliant performance there is no question in anyone's minds that Team Hummer has the gold. See the extra for a shot of her iconic backwinging maneuver in the Aerobics competition . Her reluctance to allow photos earlier in the week was undoubtedly due to wanting to keep her final program under wraps and out of the  competitors views. After her Gold Medal  run today however she was all smiles and willing to pose for the cameras!
And the celebrities were out hanging out with the athletes in the Alternative Olympics Village again today as we spotted a blue gray gnatcatcher ( see extras) , a youthful chestnut sided warbler , and a lovely lady redstart. they may be starting to make their way to Rio to try to catch the closing ceremonies of the humans games!
And this photographers apologies for posting the one not completely in focus shot of the gnatcatcher. However it is doing it's iconic maneuver of wagging it's tail side to side, so we have an out of focus tail.

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