
By angellightphoto

and so the series ends

...well, today saw the end to my "different butterfly for every day of the Big Butterfly Count" challenge, and what fantastic fun it has been.

My target species for today was, once again, the Holly Blue. I had two unsuccessful searches this morning and after lunch so, this evening I went over to Ballard Down for a final attempt. The good news is that I found at least four individuals but they were all flying and feeding high in the Old Man's Beard that rambles through the hedgerow. I was disappointed not to get a reference shot but delighted to have seen them.

The downs were full of Common Blues and Small Coppers and the hedgerow was active with Red Admirals, Speckled Woods and Gatekeepers. There were even a few tired looking Dark Green Fritillaries about.

I had hoped to finish my series with something bright or spectacular but, in the end, I have chosen a Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus that I captured this morning. I selected this particular shot because it clearly demonstrates the two main features that differentiate it from the other orange skippers. First there is the distinctive patterning to the wings that is quite unlike the relative plainness of a Small or Essex and then there are the drop-handlebar antennae.

I have posted the whole sequence of butterflies to our Blog, including a bonus Meadow Brown as I never did Blip one in the end...

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