Off Centre

By RachelCarter


Some bees like A Room of One's Own.

To a solitary bee there is no other way.

There'll always be someone poking a stick and trying to interfere with that kind of behaviour.

Free thinkers can't be told how or what to think, how to behave and need space alone.
Forcing us to be any other way is like imprisoning us.

Tess has been unwell for 2 days but remained chatty and curious. I've been her mega-attentive mum all day (and quite enjoyed an excuse to play around with the TV and work out how to download films.) She had some Calpol this evening after complaining of a headache and then wandered around the garden with me. I hope she's on the mend now but I'm not sure what she's come down with so it's hard to tell.

I'm having a break from social media and that includes not interacting here. I've found my own way of dealing with things over the years - although it's taken a long time to shake off well-meaning advice. Any social interaction exhausts me and my best ever fun comes in the spaces when I'm not under any pressure to perform.
Because that's what it is when you don't enjoy it - a performance.

I wrote this on my main blog last night:

I've decided tonight to leave Twitter and Facebook for good. I find myself in a constant state of distress that people are so fixed. I can't save the world - as much as I'd like to and the repeated realisation that others aren't as open-minded as me hurts beyond all explanation. I feel physically sick that values and empathy are so wonky so I have to bow out to save my sanity. I'm fed up and disappointed that however often I try to show that I've understood a bigger picture it seems people still argue with me as if I haven't. I will continue to use blipfoto in order to record each day with a photo and I will continue to write for my blog.

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