Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

The Shining

Another day, another coast path run. Went faster once I decided that I didn't care about ruining other people's day and took my shirt off.
But the 2nd pair of Blutooth headphones in three weeks had died. You know the Alien out of Alien? And the way its blood ate through three floors of spaceship? Well that's my sweat, that is.
Other people do selfishly insist on using the coast path when I want to use it. And they usually are very bad at getting out of the way. Family groups will stand, vacantly, like zombies before shambling off - but never all to the same side. And then, when I get closer, they will smell human brains on the opposite side and lurch across the path in front of me.
I had partial revenge today. Overtook Dad, Daughter and Mum. Dad moved out of the way but, as is usual, didn't bother to say anything to Daughter or Mum. So after I passed Dad, Daughter turned round to see a sweaty, shirtless hooligan about a foot behind her. She jumped so high in the air that I was able to nip underneath her and be past before she landed.
I met them again on the way back. Big grins all round.
Despite an indifferent weather forecast, it was good enough for the beach on the afternoon.
And ate at the local pub - Seaview Inn. Good food, a pint of Doom Bar and Olympics on the telly.
Followed by a last walk on the beach.
All good.

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