horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Every year when About Turn Theatre comes back to Edinburgh I get to go along and take some photos. I love theatre work. 

All came about after a chance meeting with one of the producers, Dan Hyde, during his own show a few years back (it's a fun story if you have time). Funny how things work out.

Damned versatile opera group too. Last year was Orpheus and Eurydice, complete with green-bearded gnomes, before that it was Dido and Aeneas, brought into a World War I setting. This year things go thought-provoking and intense with Anne Frank, an opera written by Grigori Frid in 1968. I wasn't sure how I'd take to this, I'm not such a fan of discordant modern classical, but it's just brilliantly put together.

A single soprano, a single piano. That's it. If anything it probably makes for a more difficult piece to organise than something with an ensemble cast. You've got to be very careful about how to stage it, how to hold interest, how to avoid it just being someone standing there with nothing much happening. But they succeed brilliantly. It's a tiring show to watch (let alone star in). These things always just remind me how lucky we have it, as I wandered back out into the streets with my main concern being getting a bit wet from a sudden downpour, and avoiding being handed any flyers....

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