horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


We seem to reasonably regularly get joined on walks by random dogs. Normally for quite short periods of time, but this Springer Spaniel stayed with us for a good 45 minutes, with no other people in sight for a few miles of walking, bounding in and out of the wheat in a fashion that would give Theresa May palpitations, and had us hoping no farmers would see us and assume the dog was ours, in a conservation area with signs telling you to keep dogs on leads.

Finally in the distance we heard some calling, and it sounded vaguely like someone shouting for a dog. So I headed off, the dog in tow of course, to find the source of the voice. Owner and dog reunited, is cutting the long story short.

There was a family get-together on Mel's side in the evening. Doesn't happen often, but Doug, her cousin from Canada, was over with his wife Angie, so there was a Penicuik gathering. It was a good excuse to clean up Keats and take him for the spin, which Doug appreciated as we went for a quick dander into the countryside and he told me of his 50s Willy's Jeep that he has back home.

There's an open invite to Canada (Toronto, then Thunder Bay) that we really have to take advantage of some time soon, of only for the wildlife photo ops....

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