Capital adventures

By marchmont

Last rays

Tidying, cleaning, shopping in person, and online. I went to Straiton and bought 2 bags, and drill bits.

The weather was mixed but it wasn't cold. There was more toing and froing next door to bring home Molly. I'm keeping her in at night.

And at last the Olympics are over as is the BBC's lovefest with very, very, VERY elite sport. The question is, if all that hundreds of millions of pounds of Lottery money, £4m a medal (much of it 'gifted' by those can ill afford it) had been spent on youth work, sports facilities, free access to sport, school sport then how much better, and more long lasting would that be? Many of the winners, pseudo amateurs, will go on to make millions from sponsorship deals with no payback. Or that Lottery money could be spent on ending homelessness but no medals there.
This morning on R4 there was an item about building on the Rio effect, taster sessions in a rowing club in London, opening it up to ordinary people. The cost, £60 to participate. Nuff said.

It was a beautiful sky tonight but the nights are fair drawin' in.

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