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By pplnani

Landing Gear Down

Spent most of the day in the lovely sunshine assisting ( well mainly supervising) hubby with the remodelling of part of the garden. He worked really hard shifting pots and heavy bits and pieces...........he'll sleep well tonight :-)
It's all coming along quite nicely, although we're not working to a set plan, just reusing/upcycling things that we already have that might otherwise be thrown means we have to be a bit more imaginative and inventive than usual, as we are trying not to add to landfill any more than is absolutely necessary........It's a bit more of a challenge than just going out and buying a new something or other but I think it will be quite satisfying in the long as I'm happy with results ;-))

Just as an aside........we nipped to the pet shop at the garden centre this morning and as we were driving in we passed a small car boot sale run by the garden centre where about a dozen up-market car owners had their wares on sale behind the cars.........hubby glanced over and commented " I wonder if you get a better class of tat from a Porsche "...........well, I thought it was hilarious and as I was being ' too giggly ' I wasn't allowed to find out ;-)))

Thank you for all your kind comments, I will try and catch up very soon :-)

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