Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Lunch Break at the AOG

Now that the 2016 AOG is drawing to a close, Cassandra the Cat-faced Spider thought she wouldn't be breaking any rules if she ate one of her opponents from Team Paper Wasp.  The International AOG Committee did not agree and she was stripped of her medals (1 Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze).  It was very embarrassing for Team Arachnid and they decided not to attend the closing ceremonies tonight.  Too bad, they missed a wonderful show!  I have added the flipped image as an extra so you can see the  'cat face' on the spider's abdomen.  It even has little 'ears'.  :-)

I've had such fun reporting on the AOG events, I'm sorry to see it coming to and end.  Thanks again to Debbi, dbifulco, for hosting the games this year!

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