A place in time

By Verbosa


A very grainy pic, I'm afraid, in failing light in the kitchen this evening. 

I was bopping around the kitchen to soundtrack of one of the feel-good films from the early 80s...Beverley Hills Cop.

Poppy, the office cat rather blotted her copybook today, by vomiting on the HR Director's soft-top Mini, not once but THREE times!  After a quick clean up, the car was moved but Poppy found the car again and sat on it.  I shouldn't have chuckled, but I did!

Spotted a very sad sight while walking home though...a baby magpie that had fallen from a nest.  It was lying on a stone path with it's head cracked open (looking pretty gruesome)...but the poor mite was still alive with legs moving and beak opening and closing.  What a dilemma - I couldn't bring myself to kill it, so I only pray that it didn't last very long.  What would YOU have done?

Thought for the day:

"The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest."  (Unknown)

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