What's the time, Mr Croc?

One minute he was there - the next he was gone. When they finally blasted the croc out of the water with hand grenades and opened him up - this was the only thing they could take to the widow to identify her husband. Croc attacks are frequent here, and this one in a nearby kampung - although it was in 1993 - is only one in a string that reminds us we are only part of the food chain! I must avoid the river!

I must also not get used to this lifestyle! In my plebeian way I had never even heard of "concierge level" in a world class hotel. This means we have our own private lounge with free food and drink all day, and three dedicated staff who do nothing but lavish service and comfort on us. I'm sitting there now - a whole floor of super appointed lounge and just me sheltering from sweltering heat. "can I fetch you a cocktail Mr Smith?". Not before 6:30 please!!! How the other half lives.

Tomorrow, though, I have to go work for all this!

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