Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Land and Sea

Five days into August and this month is producing some delicious days. This day woke with a thick cloud cover and a definite mist dampening everything. As we ate a late breakfast, the sun burned a gaping hole in the clouds and before the afternoon was old, the clouds had disappeared.

This day was spectacular. The shoreline of Monterey Bay filled with people soaking in the sun and splashing in the waves. Everyone wanted to guzzle from the gobble of summer that was finally placed on the table of this geography today.

Mostly today we just watched the coastline from a variety of different locations starting at the community of Marina and moving all the way to the southern tip of the bay in Pacific Grove.

Our pooches are with us and Max was sick to his stomach all afternoon (it was not a pretty sight). We stopped at a doggy store and they sold Mr. Fun a can of Organic Pumpkin and also some "stress" medicine. We knew that pumpkin works well if a dog is having the "runs," but didn't know that it is also a remedy for an upset stomach. Now, late this evening, I can report that Max has recovered (he had me a little scared . . . now I'm feeling relief).

Tomorrow morning we head for home in southern California, not because vacation is over, but because we've got some stuff brewing and need to get home to take care of all of it (more about that later). It will be approximately a 6 hour drive home and into some much high temperatures.

But for now, good night from the coastline of Monterey Bay.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, Max, Mitzi, and Chloe), aka Carol

P.S. The unique tawny hills in the background are the Salinas hills that John Steinbeck wrote about in his books. The geography in this region is diverse and very interesting.

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