Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Edge of the Continent

After eight days of vacationing along California's coast, we left Monterey at 9:00 a.m. and knew that we had a six hour journey to reach home. So three o'clock was our estimated arrival time and home in the Inland Empire of southern California was our destination.

Our first pit-stop was in Pismo Beach at a McDonald's at 11:10. Twenty minutes later we were on the road again.

Somewhere between Santa Barbara and Ventura I rolled the window down and captured this view as the highway curved around the shoreline.

We stopped in Ventura for a frozen yogurt and the first chance for the pooches to take a quick walk, sniff, and (well you know). They did their business quickly and we were on the road in about 25 minutes.

We pulled into our driveway at 3:35, opened the car doors, and fell over from the wall of heat that hit us -- 99 degrees -- egads! After seven days in the coastal climate of approximately 70 degrees most days, this was quite a shock.

We walked into the house and immediately turned-on the AC, then unloaded the luggage, the doggie crate, and enough stuff to fill a semi-truck (how it had all fit in the mid-size rental car is a wonder). Now it is time to start the laundry and settle back into some type of a routine.

We may possibly head out again for a few overnighters this coming week. We have a couple things to do here this week. Because I report back to the campus on Friday, August 24th, we're squeezing every drop of summer enjoyment that we can before the fall semester begins.

We are HOME! Hooray for home!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, Mitzi, Max, and Chloe), aka Carol

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