Mr Smith

By MrSmith

Another Friday another gig

After the success of last Friday's gig Ruby's school choir were invited to entertain the lunchtime shoppers from the middle of St Andrew's Square.

The big lads at the back aren't kids with hormone issues they are the Edinburgh Gunners rugby team who joined in the singing for reasons that were never made clear. The massed baritone rumblings of the rugby boys alongside the primary school warbling made for an interesting combination.

Unfortunately the biting cold and the fact that most people were charging across the Square to get some lunchtime christmas shopping done meant that the crowd was a bit sparse but we made up for it with over enthusiastic cheering, foot stomping and clapping - it was the only way to stay warm apart from anything else! In fact the crowd were a bit more enthusiastic than the Gunners team, half way through one of the boys went off for five minutes and came back with a bag of chips which he munched through the rest of the carols!

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