Mr Smith

By MrSmith

We could get used to this

Our short trip to Paris to celebrate our wedding anniversary is coming to a close, so it was a quick charge around this morning to see a few sights we wanted to catch - we've covered some miles this week! And then back into the plush surroundings of the hotel, to be ushered to well stuffed armchairs and force fed rich, creamy hot chocolate poured from silver jugs. Do we have to go home??

It's been a great trip. There was some consternation on Monday when we received a call to tell us that the hotel we were supposed to be staying in had been commandeered by the French Government for an emergency conference on the economy and were getting bumped. Just as I was hitting my full stride on the "how dare you, it's our 20th wedding anniversary etc etc" rant the concierge told me that she'd booked us into a suite in the best hotel in Paris, that she would pick up the tab for the difference in cost and also give us a voucher for two free nights at her hotel any time in 2009 as compensation. I gracefully backed down and we've duly spent a few nights at the best hotel I've ever stayed in. So, seriously, do we have to go home??

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