Costa Rica Adventure...Well, Hi there sailor

Spent the morning at the Arenal Hanging Bridges, which took us up into the Rainforest Canopy. Our guide, Edwin, spotted this Eyelash Pit Viper, a very venomous snake. It has a ridge above each of it's eyes that some believe resemble eyelashes, hence the name. We spent a lovely evening at the farm of a local family. They farm organically and grow quite a selection of medicinal and culinary plants. We enjoyed being entertained by a small group of local children who danced some traditional dances for us. We then were taught to make our own tortillas. Those tortillas, once prepared were then part a delicious meal, which we consumed...con gusto! My 'extra' today is a photo of another Toucan. This one is the Black Mandible Toucan.

I really do appreciate you stopping by to take a look at my photos from Costa Rica. I apologize that I'm not able to visit you back or even answer your kind comments. I'm pretty much exhausted by the end of the day .

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