Five things

By fivethings


1. It rains an awful lot here, though I must say it's not often I have dropped what I'm doing to run to take a picture of just how much it was raining. This morning, though, I had to. It was really REALLY raining. I took this sunflower for my blip a few days ago but it's sad wee head tipping over the top of the hurricane-esque vista seemed fitting.

2. I'm not sure how much justice I've done in Blip about just how much I am into the Olympics. After last night's success, my day was dedicated purely to the games today. I am, I think I have to admit, obsessed.

3. I could barely watch as Andy began to totally triumph in the tennis - my nerves were shot. I skipped between that and the pommel horse and the cycling and the sailing. We were winning on every screen.

4. Having been brought up on a diet of Scottish football, I am very, very accustomed to defeat and disappointment. It's a serious psychological adjustment to understand all this success.

5. In other news there's a lovely dinner. And that's it, back to the Olympics til bed.

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