Tractor Tuesday - MB Trac 1600

As forecast last night, the beautiful sunny day and the promise of it getting over 30°C until at last Friday without any thunderstorm rsik, has brought out the mowers.

Sadly for many they cut, collect and silage, all in one day. Nowadays many farmers don't feed their cows any fresh food at all, not even in summer. They need turbo food. Interestingly the price farmers get for grass/hay milk is I think around double that paid for silage milk.

For a change dog walk in Stetten and then a search for an Alps photo to send Pep in Southampton to hopefully bring a smile to her face in the battle she is winning against Myeloma.

Don't see too many MB Tracs although we do have one in our village. Apparently of the 41,000 built between 1973 and 1991, 30,000 are still in use. The extra photo shows its silhouette better - an attempt by Mercedes to be all things to all users. I don't much like the shape but no doubt with its 156hp, 4WHD, high middle seat, it had it's advantages and fans.

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