The Half Naked Artist!

The guy who was painting the other day was back - this time half naked lol! Our office is the cream building just in front of him, I wonder if he's planning on painting that? Anyway on my way back, I couldn't resist another candid shot ;-)

My interview seemed to go well, they're really nice people and it seems a nice place to work. I had to fill a form in when I arrived and one of the questions was if I had any medical conditions they should know about. So I thought I'd better tell them about the cancer, although I emphasised the positives that I worked through chemo etc and that the worst of the treatment finished in March. Hopefully that won't hold me back, but after the interview they asked if I'd like to have a tour of the building and they introduced me to everyone who was there which is a positive sign. She said they've a few more people to see and she'll be in touch next week.

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