
By momcat1

Not the insect you are looking for.....

Well , I was looking for monarchs or any other butterly or earlier form that I could find on my late evening walk tonight. It was still sunny at 6:30 so I had high hopes. Alas , there were no butterflies to be seen . It has been a low butterfly count year. But while poking around the few milkweed plants on the edge of the road, I spotted a longhorn beetle making his( or her)  way along the leaf. It took me a half hour of getting annoyed with ASK ( don't ASK me why all of my queries ended up there, it's such  an annoying search engine)to find one site that id'd my bug. It's a milkweed beetle, longhorn family. Apparently also known as a 4 eyed milkweed beetle. I didn't get a good enough look to see if it indeed has 4 eyes or if someone was counting spots instead. Perhaps I should ask it's optometrist.

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