
By momcat1

It isn't easy being green

Not with all these humans around on the nice quiet river! And how dare the Sibley Guide call us stocky! 
Well as a matter of fact it does- Green heron - small stocky heron I believe is what they are called. They roost in trees over the river and forage on the banks. This stretch of the river is perfect for them with the overhanging trees.They are pretty spooky and usually won't let me  get close enough to get a photo, but this one was pretty cool. Showed off his red stripy neck for the camera.We actually saw at least 2 and probably 3 of them , as well as 3 great blues. In addition to being chattered at by every kingfisher on the river. The best part was we only scraped bottom once this time in the kayak! And to finish off the trip we passed a raccoon family. Which I am going to save for tomorrow's blip I think . 

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