Moments of a life

By Jennplus3


I'm about to start reading a book that will undoubtedly tell me what I already know... the sugar epidemic is killing humans.

What I've piled on top of the book is the 40 TEASPOONS of sugar the average Australian consumes every day. Now, I know I'm a Kiwi, not an Aussie, but as far as comparisons go we are pretty much the same down under.

I've been on and off (but now more than ever on) a low carb diet for about a year now. Today's total sugars I consumed was 3 teaspoons.

Yes, 3.

I ate clean, real foods. I felt nourished. I felt full and satisfied. I know where all my food came from and how it got into my plate. I'm not hungry, or craving, or feeling like I'm missing out on anything.

I feel so much better without processed food in my diet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But when I do stray away from foods that I know are good for me, I sure as hell know about it later.

Every day, every meal, every bite is a new opportunity to make informed choices about what to fuel your body with for health and vitality for many years to come.

So, what have you put onto your plate today??

Is it time to make some changes??

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