My alternative diary

By chrisphoto

Wide Angle Wednesday

Airlander 10 airship crashes

I had to take Tilly to the Vet this morning. Yesterday at feeding time I noticed she was limping. I could find nothing obviously wrong with her paw, knee, or elbow but when I extended her leg, her shoulder seemed to be tender. The vet gave her a thorough examination and declared all joints and bone structure were sound and the tenderness in her shoulder was muscular. Anti-inflammatory medication was prescribed. Sitting in the car afterwards I spotted the Airlander low in the sky – must have been 5 miles away so I thought I’d grab a shot with my little Sony, not thinking I’d use it as a blip.

However, later in the day I heard the following:

“the world’s longest aircraft, the Airlander 10 airship, has crash-landed after a test flight in Bedfordshire. It sustained damage on landing from its second test flight - all crew were safe and well following the incident”.

In view of this I have decided to use the shot as my blip and because it was so far away I’ve cropped it letterbox style so it will fit in with Wide Angle Wednesday.

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