Grammar School and Almshouses
A great blipmeet today at Stratford on Avon with JDO who organised it and she really couldn't have picked a more lovely sunny day for moseying round the town. The blip crew, cameras poised and at the ready consisted of Ellaphant and Adam, Hildasrose and Rob, OldJoe, Black Tulip and JJ, AH14, LooseCanon, Technophobe and myself.
I think/I know the last 4 nights of broken barely any sleep took their toll today as one thing after another went wrong:
Had a slight contretemps with the gatepost on driving out of the drive but luckily for me the paint has washed off the car wheel arch. Hubs won't even notice!!!
No change for the parking as I just parted with everything I had to the gardener and hadn't time to replenish stocks.
Hubs had disappeared in a flurry this morning with the sat-nav. which would have been handy.
My phone wasn't charging at all.
The car decided halfway there to go on a go slow which I did manage to rectify thankfully but was worrying in an overtaking situation as there was no ummph at all!
My camera battery which was fully charged from the outset somehow drained totally before I had even taken a shot and my spares were all in the car, in the carpark a little distance away! Very weird.
Had to deal with the burglar alarm going off next door too as I was leaving the house this afternoon. The last time this happened I was nearly flattened by the getaway car so was a tad wary going round there to see what was amiss!
To top this little lot I had to go to the dentists for an emergency appt. and am now rattling with pills! I would add this is not my usual carry on as I do like to run a tight ship!
However, every cloud as they say..... Who should I meet as I looked up having just arrived but JDO driving her little sporty number who very kindly lent me some change in return for a coffee later so deal done! I would also say she was a gem as she also had a spare camera battery too - how about that - brilliant.
I don't think I am much good at chatting away and taking shots but anyone interested on a few from today could look at Stratford scenes. I did like this one of the Almshouses and school. Not really in my comfort zone photography wise but I did have a lovely time meeting everyone.
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