Winch at Heylor

It's been a lovely day, mist has vanished, sun has been shining and warm too. 

Day off work and and been busy.  With the fine day, I've been busy with doing plenty of washing and got the house choresdone too.  After lunch, I headed north with Brian.  We went to Ronas Voe to try out the new inflatable kayaks.  Unfortunately they were too short for my legs to fit it safely, a few paddles around and I had to give up for safety reasons.  Maybe order new ones for next summer.  A tour about Sullom on our way back and popped along friends along the way.  Mam popped by this evening and we enjoyed a walk up the Berry road.  A quiet night in with the telly.

A lovely day all over Shetland and fine to be up north.  We used to come to the beach here as bairns and we used to be able to climb out the old pier, before the beach moved over it.  My cousin and family live just above the beach, so many happy memories here, and also this old winch, ledt over from days gone by.  Taken at Heylor, Ronas Voe. 

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