
There was a lovely 5 minutes this morning.

I took the big camera and the macro lens with me today (no flash gun though) and got a couple of slightly unusual shots - like the backlit cow parsley and 'past it' thistle.
The opening seed head and the seeds therein are pretty 'normal though - as are the silver and orange mushrooms.
However, the sulphur yellow fungus that has appeared very suddenly (I am sure it wasn't there yesterday) is one I have never seen before and it wouldn't appear to be in my book of fungi.
Any ideas?

I love the bark on the birch tree round the corner from Bagst is ' house.
As well as the pictures I got some strange looks from the guy walking past.

I quite like the Laburnum box I made today. It is quite a nice wood to work and the contrast between the sapwood and the heartwood always gets attention. I wasn't sure if it would be better with tall, pointed finial or the ebony ball ......... I went with the ball as I found a suitable offcut for that before I found the long piece I was looking for.

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