All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Big Green Chair

Today was another Daddy and Ethan day, while I stayed at home to do more overtime.

As the Edinburgh Festival has just started, hubbie decided to take Ethan into town. The plan was for them to get the train, but they missed it by 10 seconds which Ethan was really upset about. They drove in instead and went on one of the open topped tourist buses. I got a phone call from a very excited Ethan telling me "mummy me on big green bus"!

I'd even "let" hubbie have the camera for the day so he could take photos of their day out. He came back with 10 photos - 3 of which were of a red Ferrari he had seen! Hmmmm .... not really what I was after!

They went to see a show, got lunch at the fab baked tattie shop in Cockburn Street and came home soaking wet from the downpour they got caught in! Sounds like so much fun, I think I might have to give overtime a miss next weekend so I can join in too.

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