The Leicestershire Show

Our day trip today was down the road (literally) to the county show ground. Picked up Julie and we queued up to park it was a great turn out for the first show on the show ground.
Lots to see and we did it all. Chris and Julie met lots of friends as did Clover. Middle top is her with her friend Big Eddie! She's probably thinking ' I love you big Eddie!' We had our lunch followed by a small plastic cup from the bar. Top right is Clover in her new bling. Top left was the weirdest exhibit, a hearse pulled by a motorbike called rocket hearse!!! It was next to the tent selling pre paid funerals, that was the first time ice seen that at a show!
Middle is the hounds from the local hunt . The photo on the right middle is of the man who was taking photos from his tripod held high whilst a dog weed in the shopping bag! I missed it as I was looking elsewhere but I heard people laughing and saw the dog walk off! It turned out he had camera equipment in the bag. Lesson learnt don't put your bag of equipment down in the vicinity of dogs!!!!!
The bottom row are an alpaca , a bull in the show ground and a long haired sheep.
We left about 1.30 and got back just in time to miss another rain shower and thunder and lightning that lasted for an hour. A shame it will have ruined what was a great county show.
Am looking forward to watching Jade in her competition tonight on pay for view so it's going to be a very late night!!!!

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