Feeding frenzy

I've never seen a goldfinch feeding upside down on a peanut feeder before. But all the sunflower heart posts were busy when he arrived so he was just adventurous.

Last night I went to the concert when the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra welcomed their new Music Director, Mirga Grazinyte-Tyla. She's tiny, just 29 and from Lithuania. She also leads the orchestra with a passion, a precision and a balletic quality that is breath-taking. Her long arms and her slender fingers point and guide. She has already made a huge impact on the players and the concert was one of their best. Different items, from a haunting and quiet modern piece, to the powerful Symphony Number 4 by Tchaikovsky. Amazing evening and she is certainly a fitting successor to our wonderful Andris Nelsons. Well worth the wait.

I was thinking as I watched, entranced. She is just what our football team need. Someone who has vision, understanding, knows what to do and communicates it.  But today Forest won - they wouldn't have done if Leeds had been able to shoot.

and Just Duck.
I had a chat with my neighbour. We're happy to refill the washing up bowl for her to dip into. We don't mind her being around. But we both think (and hope) that she will make her way in the duck world in her own time.

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