Callaghand 2016

I love going up to Edinburgh for the festival and my chief motivation each year is to see David Callaghan's show. Every time I've seen him perform, he's had the sequence for the show written on the back of his hand, as you can see from last year's photo.

This year, I was mildly disappointed to find that David has graduated from this practice but it was the only disappointment; the show was great. More surreal than before, more deeply sad in places, but also more assured and thoroughly entertaining. 

We went for a drink afterwards, as we usually do, and he said that he hadn't felt that show went that well today, so it must have been brilliant on the other occasions. On his recommendation, we also went to see Ian Smith perform, which was totally different to David's act, certainly more conventional, bit also very funny.

After that, we headed across to the Pear Tree where I took the picture of David's hand, last year. I'd had it in my mind that I'd do the same this year, so here it is, despite the lack of setlist.

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