Wannabe Wallaby

We went to a wonderful place this afternoon which was a garden centre and nature trail.

There were different types of pigs (including a giant pot bellied pig called Benny who was snoring loudly).  

For the first time in my life, I got to see wallabies. Real ones.  Not just the comedy wallabies in the picture.

Lovely cake and coffee in the cafe.  Boys played on mini diggers and tractors. 

All the fresh air ruined me so I went for a little lie down when we got back.  Steak pie, chips and veg (from Cook) for tea, followed (not immediately) by trampoline time for Daddy and the boys.  Then sticky toffee pudding with custard.  I am replete!

Boys are a bit tired now, so bed shortly and then a glass of wine for the grown ups.

Been an absolutely lovely day again today.  We agreed that we feel like we are getting quality family time together these days, which is lovely.  

Tomorrow I will be heading northbound with the rest of the bank holiday travellers.  I expect a journey in excess of Friday's 7 hour epic.

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