Wrestling post (in which I liken myself to a cow!)

Both boys enjoy climbing and generally wrangling me, much in the same way as a cowboy wrangles a feisty cow. No holds barred, determined to subdue!

D also likes to cling on to my legs like this. It's weird but strangely endearing.

Lots of fun once I eventually got up this morning. Building a den of cushions led into a strange conversation about potatoes made of sand which then led to me asking if it was a jacket potato. D, without missing a beat, told me that he had never seen a potato wearing a jacket. A few minutes later he had decided the sand potatoes were caught in windy weather and needed their jackets on.

Toddlers have a capacity for the surreal that even I find mind blowing.

Uneventful journey home, listening to a number of Nerdist podcasts. If you have an hour, find the one with Chris Hadfield talking about social responsibility through his work on the ISS. Really inspirational attitude and actions from a man who sounds like he is genuinely a really great guy.

Have since baked 16 cheese and cayenne scones and 32 flapjacks ready for an outing with some friends tomorrow. The last hurrah before the return to full time work from Thursday this week. Am terrified!

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