Bridge Over The River Cam.

I walked quite a long way today. A round trip through Chesterton, across the old Pye Telecom's recreation ground, now upgraded and for everybody to use. The factory is gone and housing is in it's place. Then across this cycle and foot bridge to Riverside. The bridge opened in 2008 and cost just over £3 million. It was partly funded by Tesco's nearby store on Newmarket Rd and is now only a short distance across the river for many residents to shop. The bridge has two seating areas which give a lovely view of the Cam in both directions.  I then carried on walking to the Green Dragon bridge near my home and hurriedly crossed into Chesterton. I was intending to sit on a bench for a while but the long horned cattle were grazing nearby so I made a hasty retreat ! A beautiful day with a slight breeze and lots of sunshine. A perfect Bank Holiday Monday for me, with no traffic !

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