Jack James

By JackJames


My bro's off for a hiking adventure, climbing up Galdhøpiggen - the largest mountain in Northern Europe, at 2,469m. See you in 10 days bro!

A grey and largely rainy day here in Bath - perhaps better in Norway, but I doubt it. Spent the day looking at how I'll travel to uni. in Santander next month, contemplating travelling up to Edinburgh for Sean's birthday and to see some people, and having a great time shouting at Victoria Pendleton and Chris Hoy at the Velodrome. To get in the mood I re-watched the opening ceremony and a great documentary on Pendleton, which was an amazing introduction into what it takes to become an Olympic athlete. Impressive.

Some very heavy back blipping today, been lazy at this of late. Need to get back on it in time for Spain!

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