A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Birthday Suit.

Well I've done it!

The first milestone. 100 blips without a miss.

It took a while to get into it, but thanks to the encouragement of fellow blippers, and the support of a few faithful followers, here I am. 100 not out!

As a blipday present to myself, I am now a full member, so my images can be viewed large, among other things. (I wouldn't recommend it for today's though!)

My philosophy has always been to use photography as an art form, so realism is not necessarily the primary objective, but to produce an image which is pleasing or tells a story is. Hence a good deal of processing is usually involved and occasionally some multiple image manipulation too.

Today's blip is obviously one such example. I wasn't really standing déshabillé in a field (actually against a white wall first thing - wouldn't want to scare the sheep!) and the gate was shot separately early this morning. But to me, the fun is using all sorts of tools to create the final images.

There are many fantastic photographers on blip and I continue to be inspired and shall strive to improve as we continue our journeys together.

But it's not just about the photography, of course. The journey itself unfolds within the narratives too - such an important part of the blip concept.

So, on towards the next milestone. At the start I thought the chances of me making it this far were small.

About as small as me ever being a pin-up!

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