Robert Burns--The Myth

Stuart Cochrane Curator of Robert Burns Ellisland Farm & Museum at Dumfries was the guest speaker at The Rotary Club of Strathaven tonight

He spoke of the real Burns in contrast to the common image of Burns as a poet drunkard who died in poverty.

Stuart took us back to Scotland in Burn's time. Burns considered himself a Georgian, was not a nationalist but did have republican leanings

The poem Tam O' Shanter and the writings of Rev Currie after Burn's death encouraged the myth that Burns was a drunkard when in fact Burn's drinking was severely limited due to acute stomach problems.

Burn's was not a pauper and his life was far from poverty, by the time he died he had amassed considerable cash and left many un-cashed cheques.

His children were all well-educated and well- traveled with one branch of the family retiring to Cheltenham.

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