Tuscan Hills

After settling in yesterday we were touring tourists today as we took to the Tuscan hills. Our hosts had suggested a circular route which took in Pienza, San Quirico d'Orcia, Bagno Vignoni, then home as we were late and tired and the other places on the list may be picked up in the next few days. The route was fantastic, the historic towns were almost unreal and we kept finding scenes I had seen so many times in photos including the blip of Capella di Vitaleta, and the first extra for which I don't know the name but was on the road home from Bagno Vignoni (the last extra, a spa for the central square). The biggest drama of the day however was an electric storm that lasted a few hours and started before we got home. The rain in the distance of the other extra was a small beginning of a mighty storm. 
The internet was knocked out and we were snug in our accommodation so I ventured out in the car up the hill to fetch nibbles and wine which made for a good meal watching the lightning outside and even hail stones, how does that happen in this heat?. I got drenched to the skin running a few yards from the car.

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