Calvert Jubilee

C on a beading course near High Wycombe so I went to visit Mum who was pleased to see me.

After I had sorted her car insurance & Travel insurance & a yummy lunch I took her out in the car as I wanted to visit Jubilee Lake at Calvert -

Before that we went to see a local grower of runner beans and purchased several bags of young fresh runner beans, plus some beetroot, pots & a couple of onions.

Called at the reserve & surprisingly Mum came with me on a short trek. At first glance there didn't seem to be much around but once you got your eye in there were quite a number of different insect varieties. We also came across an old railway bridge long disused & overgrown but interesting never the less to see it in the middle of a 
wood. If you looked carefully you could see its route through the trees. See extra.

Back then for a cup of tea before getting home at just after 5pm

By the way this reserve will be severely affected by the proposed HS2 line - this is what the local authority tells us in an online report

Stop 12 – Calvert Jubilee Lake and Nature Reserve The proposed line runs alongside the Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve, owned and managed by BBOWT. Habitat will be lost on the eastern edge of the site where turtle doves nest. Last year, the nature reserve was thought to be the only site in England where all five hairstreak butterfly species were recorded breeding. The Reserve is also located near to the proposed Infrastructure Maintenance Depot (IMD). Suitable compensation and mitigation for the impact on the nature reserve as a resource for the local community, BBOWT and the general public is required. The Bill would also prevent the use of the current parking provision and access for management at Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve. This is crucial to the ongoing viability of the site and should be addressed by HS2 ltd.

The future of this place isn't looking good....

To see what the bridge looked like when it was completed in 1896 click here.......

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