
By cowgirl

The GG Spot!

Indie was so loving me scratch her chest she just had to share the love!

Up in the night with mum again ( shortness of breath and heart racing ). It took 3 phone calls to get someone out to see her. She called me at 1am to say she'd tried 112 and they wouldn't respond, so she called 111 who eventually said they would get a doctor to phone in an hour! When I arrived half an hour later the doctor had phoned ( from a town about 30 mins away ) and had told her to tell me to take her to hospital. I didn't think this was necessary, so rang 111 again and told them the doctor was just being too lazy to come out and there was no way I was dragging a 76yr old lady ove to sit in A&E for God knows how long. After a few minutes of the same questions as she'd answered earlier, they eventually decided to send out an ambulance with paramedics. They did all the tests again that the other paramedics had done on the previous two visits and once again found nothing. They were quite annoyed to hear a doctor had spoken to her and not turned out, and said I was right not to take her to hospital. A small discussion on who gets paid how much, doctor on out of hours rate verses a paramedic... We got to bed about 4 am.

Today her local doctor has prescribed antihistamines and an inhaler, so hopefully she will have a better night tonight.

I've had my eyelashes done for a wedding we're going to tomorrow, mucked out one horse at one yard and then gone to my usual afternoon job, where Indie and I had a bit of mutual love.

We've had a mad dash to get clothes ready for tomorrow before The Great British Bake Off started, then I remembered to wrap the present and now suddenly it's 10pm and I need my bed!

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