The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Glass Sculpture at Cheeseburn Grange

In Northumberland, morning dawned murky. Our plans for going to an artistic event seemed shaky. In the event, we bestirred ourselves and drove, via Corbridge and Hexham, to a country property, Cheeseburn Grange. This is privately owned, and the lady of the house is keen to establish the grounds as a space for temporary exhibitions.

Accordingly, the outbuildings and the open spaces were filled with sculptures of various styles and types, and there were poetry readings recorded with a background of nature sounds, installed in strategic locations, playing on a loop.
The pity was that the light was so poor that I did not get the shots I wanted, by any means. But I did get the chance to meet the poet, Linda France
although the sound recordist Chris Watson was not there that day.

The whole popup event lasted only three days! This was to be the second day ( this is a back blip). We all left awestruck at the amount of work that had gone into making it happen.

Later, we shared a fabulous Indian takeaway and talked long into the night.

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