
... Exciting moment when your newly redone bedroom is unveiled and you discover you can now in fact cartwheel in your own room. And dance a lot more.

Katie had a sleepover last night so I began the epic task of clearing out her bedroom and removing that which isn't played with & rearranging in preparation for her birthday in a few weeks. She's delighted with her room as she has a lot more space. The cube unit under her bed used to be along the wall and it made a big difference. What she doesn't know is that it's actually been moved because for her birthday she is getting a wall barre and mirror. I've removed quite a lot of unused toys- several big items and six bags full. She's not missed a single item. She's thrilled that some of her "bits" and wall art are up for the first time since we moved in, as I finally found some fittings that would attach to our very hard walls. She's got new to her fairy lights and I repurposed some others. She slept in her room for only the second time this holiday!

As I said, she'd been on a sleepover last night and the girls got up quite early. I started work early so I could be at summer school by lunchtime. They'd done a ballet, made masquerade masks (a craft I had been preparing til 10pm last night!) and were on break when I arrived. I watched the start of the modern class. Katie's particularly benefited from the extended conditioning times in summer school. It's shown her what she's capable of with proper stretching. I then took the baby out for a while and came back in time to see the presentation of this weeks work- the masquerade ballet, hakuna matata musical theatre and a modern. We then prepped the studio for the start of term. Our two went round win the giant floor brushes cleaning up glitter- the principal proudly said "it's a very rounded syllabus we offer here!!" Much excitement followed when balletbuddy showed Katie the tiny pair of pointe shoes that are waiting in storage for when balletbuddy gets big enough. Katie said to the principal "when can I have some!!!" "When you're 11 you'll be ready for pointe" came the reply. The scary moment was then the realisation that is but 4 years away!!

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