
By SpotsOfTime

Lakeland Dipper 41

... madness ... in one sense but if you live in the Lakes it makes some sense .... honest!
It was a very wet day so what's a blipper to do but become a dipper. It was windy, rough and freezing. Still, I got to be with the chaps for a bit which is always good.

I ended up with a splendid circularity of thinking prompted by this which made me smile because I ended up seeking out this which prompted me to this which bought me back to this and further thoughts about 'spirit/faith', which took me back to thinking again about the Deep Blue Sea and reading Freud's quote about religious belief systems forging 'a protection against suffering through a delusional remolding of reality'.
Thinking and linking as an old tutor of mine used to say.

I forgot to mention I went into Fred Holdsworth's bookshop in Ambleside on my way. A fantastic example of a thriving independent bookshop. I've known it for 30 years .. it's been there for 60!! I still really miss the Bluebell in Penrith which has very sadly been replaced by a Costa coffee. 

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